
Since I am new to "blogging," don't expect this to be anything overly impressive. This whole concept seems strange, but I am hoping my family and friends can keep up with what I'm doing while in Paris for a year two years!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Joyeux Noël

Haven't had time to breathe much less blog but just wanted to send an extra special Merry Christmas and Joyeux Noël to all of my readers.  I hope that you have an extra special day today and it was filled with as much love and laughter as mine was!  

This time last year I was spending Christmas in the south of France with little Marie-Césare and her family.  It was strange how I missed my family in Tennessee so much when I was gone, but what was even stranger was the empty hole I felt this Christmas without the Lachaize family in the same room.  The traditions that came to be over the past two years were inexplicably beautiful and I was and forever will be thankful for their welcome arms.  I remember last year, in the afternoon on Christmas Day, I went with Padi and Didou to Avignon and we toured the city and the Pope's Palace.  It was certainly a Christmas outing to remember for the rest of my life...and their generosity and willingness to want to take me to new places was something I will never forget.  

This year was extra special however.  It was the first Christmas that my Mimi stepped out of the kitchen and let me and my Aunt Janie do all the work for dinner.  It was the first Christmas Toby spent with us (not as a wee baby!) and began to understand how fun Christmas and Santa Claus is.  It was the first time in a very long time that the entire Flynn crew had been together in one place.  My parents went above and beyond what is necessary for any one child on Christmas, which I am thankful for...but this Christmas was all about spending time with family and doing traditional things I love to do.  The whole entire day in our matching pj's just hanging around the house?  Yes, please!  Being with the people I love, all in the same place, on one day.  And although running back and forth between mom's and dad's and Murfreesboro and church and Mimi's and Granny's and cooking and cooking and cooking is hectic over the holidays....I wouldn't change a thing.  Because those are the people I love the most in the world and I would rather be right here, with them, in little Lawrenceburg.  And while the quiet of the evening comes to a close and the rustle of wrapping paper and ribbons comes to a halt....I try and take in as much as possible because although it won't be my last...who knows where this crazy girl will be next Christmas??? 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

I've Got Quite The Collection Of Scarves...

Only a few in my collection...
The addition to my collection this year.  A yummy rose, pink, and blood orange color block scarf with a bit of beige thrown in.  It's big, super soft, warm and creates just the right amount of swag.  


Although traditions in my family have changed over the past 15 years...I still have a few of my Christmas favorites.  Cooking with my mom and Laine (well, Laine is more of an onlooker) in the kitchen is one of my absolute favorite traditions.  Whether we are cooking Christmas lunch, juicing thousands of grapefruits and oranges, making breakfast, or cookies and chex mix...I love being in the kitchen with my mom helping out.  Since she and Pat have been married the smell of almond cookies baking in the oven remind me of Christmas.  One thing that she use to make that I miss?  Some cookie/drop type things that had peanuts and marshmallows with melted chocolate.  Mmm... This year, we were fortunate enough to have Granny in the kitchen with us and she made these peanut, marshmallow, peanut butter, rice krispy, and white chocolate drops.  They were quite delicious and ran a close second to moms treats.  

We always have breakfast for dinner the night we put up the Christmas tree, we have an extensive Christmas brunch before opening presents Christmas morning at moms, and lottery tickets seem to always adorn our stockings at dads.  

Traditions that I miss?  Uncle Rick's Christmas Eve presents, putting out milk and cookies for Santa, my yearly call from "Santa Claus" while the family was seated around the dinner table one random night in December, the Christmas village being out every year, spending some Christmases in Natchez, MS...things change, and I have accepted that, but nothing will change my feelings towards such wonderful and fond memories.  

My favorite Christmas tradition?  It has been tweaked a bit over the past 15 years, but, Christmas Eve at Mimi's house is my favorite Christmas tradition.  We don't congregate for meals at her house anymore during the year, and Christmas Eve is the one night that my Aunt Janie and I just can't let go of.  We go to church at 6, a quick candlelight communion service, then its back to Mimi's to warm up dinner, scratch off our lottery card place settings, fill ourselves til were stuffed, gather around the tree in the living room and open presents.  I can't remember a Christmas Eve that didn't last until at least 10 pm.  It's warm and inviting and I love the fact that we can all sit around one table and just be with each other for such a special evening.

The past two years in France I have was able to create and share traditions of the French culture.  Some were very similar to ours, such as having Santa Claus come and leave lots of toys for the children, except we left our shoes out instead of stockings.  Christmas Eve dinner, or Le Reveillon, was an extensive 7 course dinner with the 13 traditional Provençal desserts to follow.  La Pastorale two years in a well as the Marché du Gros Souper with Didou, meeting all of her friends and grabbing up lots of fougasse and foie gras.  If you have kept up with my blogging for any amount of time, you know that Christmas in Provence is an event within itself!

This year, we are squeezing in a special Christmas Eve lunch at Ginny's house because literally everyone will be there for the holidays.  Even though Laine and I won't be spending all day, I am so glad to be able to spend some time with Kerry, Jamie, new baby Asher, (amongst plenty of wonderful others) and Grandma Ginny on such a special day out of the year!

Each family has their own traditions, and each are unique and special in their own way.  Different cultures and countries do things differently in a million different time zones.  I am so incredibly lucky to be able to call this own.  

Friday, December 21, 2012


I haven't been able to upload photos lately because of a problem I've been having with Photobucket, my photo storage website.  I have been forced to revert back to Flickr, which I don't like as I will put up these pictures later! 

Yesterday's post was "Tree Topper" which I think is a pretty lame topic.  Tree toppers aren't that exciting, especially in my family.  Years ago my mom would put a Santa on top of the tree, but I told her that it was sacrilegious and we absolutely couldn't have a Santa on the top (I think she just stuck it on top because it had a hole in the bottom to do so...).  Now we have a rather lackluster star, but it sparkles with a bit of glitter that still clings to the wire and looks pretty atop our personalized tree.  Both my Mimi and my dad have strange pointy glass objects that sit on top of theirs, and my Granny has a pretty angel perched atop the skinny branches.  (Pet peeve of mine #436:  When people mix up angle  and angel..ugh...)

Today's topic was "Peace."  It's hard to think that with all that's going on in the world that there is any peace anymore.  I haven't mentioned the elementary school shootings in CT so far because I am  disheartened, sad and very, very angry and my whole heart goes out to all of the families with loved ones  ...little ones... who were taken from them.  Dads that will never be able to walk their daughters down the aisle when she gets married.  Moms that will never be able to watch their sons grow up to be baseball heros.  Brothers and sisters that will never again be able to quarrel with their younger siblings.  Grandmothers and grandfathers that will never again have the chance to spoil their grandchildren.  I don't know whether its the last 2 years I spent with a 4 year old or just my soft spot for the kiddos...but either way it just tears my heart to pieces.  One of the older teachers who was killed was a Pi Phi at Connecticut.  If any of my college friends that still read this and would like to donate to a scholarship fund in her memory you may do so here.  

As many bad things that happen in this world and as many mean and cruel-hearted people roam the earth, there are twice, maybe even three times as many good ones out there.  The good, compassionate ones just rarely make the news...unfortunately.  I was inspired by Ann Curry's advice to "Pay it Forward."  She has challenged America, and the world, to pay random acts of kindness forward.  I don't tweet, but there has been an overwhelming amount of response from her two hashtags:  #20Acts and #26Acts.  Together, they have been tweeted about over 65,000 times.  And it's not just Twitter!  Facebook and Pinterest are getting in on the action as well as Instagram.

Found this that someone tweeted.  
Imagine if everyone in the world would pay it forward-just once a day?  Whether it be a monetary donation, an item of some sort, buying someone's lunch, or simply a hug...I believe the world would be a much better place.  Kindness is contagious.
You don't have to be christian or republican or democrat or black or white or blue or northern or southern or French or Australian....because it doesn't matter.  Kindness comes from every corner of the world, all walks of life.  

Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.  

2 Corinthians 13:11  Finally, brothers, rejoice.  Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.  

So I challenge it forward! You never know whose day you will brighten...or life you could change.  All with one, simple random act of kindness.  

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Candy Canes

Favorite thing to do with candy canes?  Peppermint bark, of course!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Presents and Stockings and Tuesday...Oh My!

Oh man, I was doing so good about posting every day.  I slipped up! Forgive me?  

I can't believe that this time next week Christmas will be over!!! Seems so crazy.  I suppose the last couple of Christmases I have spent with a child...waiting with great anticipation the arrival of Père Noël, singing Christmas carols before bedtime, and attending Christmas parades and plays galore.  This year as our decorations are out, the cooking has begun, and the music is constantly on repeat...yet something is missing.  I never thought I would say that!  I miss my little Marie-Césare and as I remember that first Christmas when things were so strange and new for me, she was so sweet and so welcoming.  I can't say that I'm always that welcoming when someone horns in on my Christmas traditions.  So I will try and take a cue from my precious French counterpart and be welcoming of new family, new traditions and change, and roll with the punches.  (Although, sorry Mom, Christmas Eve at Mimi's is something I'm not quite ready to have change!)

Presents under the tree...its
Although I will say, there will be 7 of us so this year for Christmas I don't think its too out of control! 
It's like a mountain of surprises! 
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...
In hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there!!
I love Santa...or 'Ho Ho' as he is more affectionately called in my family.  It's not the "Santa plate" it is the "Ho Ho plate" or "Ho Ho sweater" etc.  (One of those things I said when I was little and it just stuck.  Kind of how we still say, "They got they house all deckeyated."  Apparently at the time, my pronouns were off and decoRated just wasn't in my vocabulary.)  I think the concept of Santa Clause for little children and adults alike is brilliant and talk of being on his naughty list is pure genius!  So raise your glass to Santa...he has lots of houses to visit next Monday night and lots of cookies to eat!  Don't be surprised if he calls your house to ask you if you've been naughty or nice!  

I leave you with a little something that I certainly haven't heard in a couple of years....

Twas the Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar plums danced in their heads.
Mom in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter’s nap.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! on Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of Toys, and St Nicholas too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.

His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow.

The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly!

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Outdoor Christmas Lights

My mom and Pat experienced first hand tonight my obsession with taking pictures "for the blog."  In Paris, I always had to take a million photos at a thousand different angles and my friends (I'm looking at you, Kerry) would get so annoyed with my "blog" photos.  But I was always trying to get that best shot.  

Tonight, after a sweet, sweet Christmas service at their church in Columbia and a surprisingly beach-y dinner at Ruby Tuesday we drove back through Mount Pleasant to catch some of their finest outdoor light decorations.  

Rudolph The Red Nosed Rein....Dog?

Check out this creepy snowman.
One of our neighbor's with the star of Bethlehem that coincidentally you can see from all over the neighborhood.  
The Kidd's house is beautiful, this picture doesn't do it justice.  
And these awesome floodlights?  These belong to our neighbors across the street, they surely do shine Christmas! 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Mele Kalikimaka!

Favorite Christmas song?  SO easy.  Mele Kalikimaka...the Jimmy Buffett version of course.  I love Christmas music and if I do anything for any length of time during the Christmas season music must be playing.  When I was in Oxford, my drives back from Thanksgiving would be filled with Christmas tunes!  That's how I knew it was Christmas.  When I got back to Oxford the street lights were lined with Merry Christmas banners and the Oxford square tree was lit with bright happiness.

I have no earthly idea how to insert a sound clip onto you will just have to go to this YouTube video.  

Mele Kalikimaka!!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas Tree

I think that our Christmas tree this year is much more spectacular than the trees we've had in previous years, and each year it only gets better (that's what they all say, right?).  But really, as I've stated in a previous post, memories and good times are what our tree is all about.  

I mean, what does this tree say about your family?  What's the point?  I took a picture of it and had some printed to send to Marie-Césare, I knew a candy themed tree would be right up her alley.  

I miss the big tree at Galaries Lafayette this year which is told to be studded with some 5,000 Swarovski crystals and a 9 meter tall chandelier. 

This little tree in Paris was perfect last year with ribbons and cupcakes and handmade salt dough ornaments adorning each branch.  

Even our miniature version in Provence with its champignons was perfect.  

But I'll have to say my view of our tree this year is just absolutely beautiful.  And the tree at my dad's house is just as pretty!  I was over there tonight and meant to take a picture to share with you all.  We decorated it Monday night after dinner.  Two Christmases (sp?) away makes me appreciate this one and this time with my family even more.  Trying to slow things down and take it one day at a time!  

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Luckily, I have been putting together a Christmas project so I am thrilled to share with you a few old family photo gems.  Although my family has changed an extraordinary amount over the past 15 years I couldn't be more blessed to have the one I've got now.  I have a pretty awesome bonus mom and bonus dad, excellent bonus brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, and two pretty extra special bonus grandmothers.  

This is the time of year to be extra thankful and I am nothing short of that and more!

Oh man, what happened to this little one!?
Church Christmas play.
Molly McIntire (and our matching outfits of course) with Mom and Laine.
Dearest cousin Melanie and Kevin...circa a long, long time ago.
Before I left to go to Paris
Mimi's for Christmas Eve.
Molly again!,  Laine and Dad.
Mimi and Grandaddy
Aunt Janie

Laine. 'nuf said.
My most beautiful little stinker, cousin and godson.  
My most precious and energetic nephew, Toby.
Mimi and her girls, November 2012
My sweet Granny.
Titan's Game 2012
So typically "Philpot"
Fall Friendly Flynn's