My last day spent with the Lachaize family was spent in the shoe manufacturing capital of France-Romans. Romans is just south of Lyon and began as a leather tanning hotspot, which over the years has turned into the finest shoe manufacturing city in France. There is a museum, several schools on how to make shoes, and even some pretty decent outlet shops selling some of France's high end designers' shoes like candy. I didn't enjoy the shopping part, as we went directly from the train station to their friends' house overlooking the beautiful mountains and lush, green countryside below. Franck grew up in Romans and we were staying with one of his childhood friends. It was kinda neat to see Franck's old stomping grounds...where he went to school, his old gym, where he had his first job...
The first evening we relaxed, the kids played outside, and we ate outside under a beautiful tree with candles dangling from each branch. The table had a simple white linen tablecloth with sage green dishes and beaded silverware. We all piled in and had fresh steamed shrimp, grilled vegetables, and a bountiful plate of cheeses and baguettes. It was fabulous. Top it off with fresh, red, ripe strawberries and was a dreamy last dinner with my host family.
The next morning we woke up and had breakfast just as the clouds were burning off the mountains. We all piled into two cars and headed down the winding road to an old dirt path about 30 minutes outside of the city. The two lane road reminded me of Highway 64 in North Carolina between Highlands and Cashiers....small and winding. At the end of the chemin was a beautiful creek and swimming hole with crystal clear water (which we soon would find out to be freezing cold). It looked to me to be like any other swimming hole I've found in Lawrence County...but they seemed impressed so I pretended to go along as well. The kids had no idea what to do with themselves so I dove right in and got the party started.
Trying to "catch" fish...knowing that those kids don't have enough patience to wait on any sort of animal. |
Definitely a first for Marie-Césare. |
The kids followed suit, with their fish catching nets and Christian Dior flip-flops splashing in the creek. We stopped for a little while to have a picnic lunch, but we all tried to keep busy to keep our minds off of my leaving later on the evening. We all knew it...but couldn't mention it because it just opened up too many emotions.
My super wonderful French family. Miss them like they can't even imagine. |
Time came for us to journey to the train station and Marie-Césare did not want to go. She pitched a giant fit...I don't know whether she knew what was happening and just didn't want to be a part of it, maybe she was scared, maybe she just didn't want to see me go...either way, I wish I could have pitched a fit and not gone either. But-Chloé being the good mother that she is told her that there are things in life that we must be a part of and do even though we may not agree or want to....and she came along. She was happy with her decision and we never heard another peep out of her. I could barely keep my eyes dry on the way to the train station.
The way the train station in Valence is built, only the people with tickets can descend onto the train platforms. The man was pretty persistent, but he saw how sad I was and how Marie-Césare just wasn't quite ready to say goodbye, and thankfully he changed his mind. We were able to spend our last precious 20 minutes together waiting for the giant TGV headed towards Paris.
Chloé told me that she wouldn't have been able to succeed in her career without me, and without her having so much trust and loyalty invested in me. I appreciated that more than anything...because there certainly were days when I felt like I was going the extra mile for nothing. Even Franck shed a little tear, which I have never seen. Marie-Césare couldn't get enough hugs and we played a few games passing the time on the platform. She snuggled up to me and told me she loved me, and that she didn't want me to leave. Gaspard didn't let go of me, and I practically had to pry him off. It is really nice to know how much you are appreciated, and how much I really meant to this family. But I am certain they were just as sad to see me go as I was to leave. I certainly got lucky....but so did they...and we both knew it.
The 3 hour train ride home was filled with racing thoughts, lots of tears, a pounding headache and countless Kleenex. As I looked out over the French countryside I reflected on all the wonderful places I have seen, things I have done with the family, all the experiences and things I learned about myself, France, and the world. But most of all I couldn't get little Marie-Césare out of my mind. That precious little girl has taught me more about myself than anyone or anything. We were perfect compliments to each other...teaching each other so much. I thought about when they picked me up at the airport and she cried because she hated my ponytail. I read her a book and she couldn't understand it so she ripped out the pages. My, how she has grown up since then....she was practically a baby. Two years is such a long time!

I miss them like crazy and still think about them every other thought. I know they probably don't do the same, and eventually Lillian, the new au pair, will come and be a quick replacement...but I know we will always hold a special place in each others hearts. I have no doubt I will be back in the very near future....for the 10 hour airplane ride is nothing compared to valuable time spent catching up with the most caring, kindhearted, loving, loyal, silly, selfless family-that will forever be part of my own.