
Since I am new to "blogging," don't expect this to be anything overly impressive. This whole concept seems strange, but I am hoping my family and friends can keep up with what I'm doing while in Paris for a year two years!

Friday, January 7, 2011

La Galette

After a very busy beginning to my week, the end has been uneventful!  
Yesterday at school Marjorie was sick so we had a substitute.  A tall 40 something man from New York.  He spoke french very well (obviously, as he was teaching) and I enjoyed class very much!  He explained things to a "t" and time passed by quickly!  

I was looking so forward to sleeping in today.  The only day this week I haven't gotten up at 7am.  The temperature rose about 20 degrees overnight, and my apartment was HOT.  Good thing we got the heat fixed just in time.  I didn't sleep well because it was so hot and I was too lazy to go turn down my heater.  It was about 50 degrees all day today and rainy.  

Chloe called around 11 and asked if I could go to the apartment and check on their water situation.  Wednesday she dropped an onion down their drain on their terrace which she thinks has caused a leakage issue with the apartment downstairs.  We haven't been able to use the sinks, bath, shower, dishwasher or washing machine since then.  I told her that would be fine, so I headed over to Rue Fontaine.  The plumber was suppose to come today but alas, just as expected, he didn't show.  

I picked Marie-Cesare up from school and all she could talk about was how she wanted to make a galette.  Which in short, is a French version of a King's Cake for epiphany.  They still hide a little porcelain object in it and whoever gets it, is the king for the day.  I have never made a King's Cake, nor a Galette.  Baking is really not my cup of tea.  I couldn't find a recipe I had to use my last resort-Marie-Cesare.  She made one at school and could remember the ingredients, so I just guess on the amounts.  It was hilarious.  I was thinking to myself-okay, we are making some sort of we will start with the dry ingredients and cut the butter into it.  We added cold water, and then she turned to me and said, Oh!! We forgot the eggs!! I told her we didn't need any eggs but she insisted, so of course we added two eggs.  We refrigerated the dough and got it back out an hour later.  I looked at my watch.  It was 6:45.  I thought to myself again, we can get this thing in the oven, however it may turn out, eat it/not eat it, and wash the pan before Chloe gets home at 8 and sees how ridiculous this is.  I put the porcelain "prize" in the pan with the galette and hoped for the best.  

HAHAHA...No!! Franck walks in the door just as I was taking it out of the oven at 10 after 7.  It was this flat, round, egg-y dough that stuck horribly to the bottom of the tart pan.  I don't know why but I was so embarrassed.  He laughed for probably 5 minutes straight, as did I.  Of course Marie-Cesare found the prize...which really is what it was all about in the first place.  I was kicking myself on the way home for not taking a picture for my followers!! You would have reallllllly enjoyed a good laugh.  

Going to the Centre Georges Pompidou tomorrow with Ashleigh and babysitting tomorrow night.  Excited to explore another museum and cross it off my list!! 


  1. The Beaubourg! Yeah, it's a wonderful museum. The building is every bit as interesting as the art; sometimes more interesting. Enjoy the activities outside the museum as well; we saw a fire-eater when we were there, and that was a pretty good show. I actually remember more about the building than any of the art that we did see; I vaguely remember something about Nazi Germany in one of the exhibits. You should have a wonderful time there.

    I recently saw some photos from Pat and your mom about their Christmas. Included in the bunch was a photo of the 2 clocks they have with the time in Paris and the time in Taiwan, side by side. I love that idea; they should have included a 3rd clock in the group to show L'burg time, but it's not my kitchen!

    Sorry your tartlet/galette didn't turn out. I do love the glimpses you give of Franck's personality; he sounds very friendly, easy to be with.

    Happy weekend, Maggie.

  2. Yes, it was interesting!!! I'm not sure that I am much of a modern art fan, though. I just kept thinking over and over to myself...what makes this art? Its just a plain black canvas, or some scribbles on notebook paper?! Haha...decided I should go back in a few months and try again. Hopefully there will be more activity out front in the summer as well!

    Bonne weekend!!
