
Since I am new to "blogging," don't expect this to be anything overly impressive. This whole concept seems strange, but I am hoping my family and friends can keep up with what I'm doing while in Paris for a year two years!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


It was pouring rain in Paris this morning and I seriously debated on whether or not to stay in bed.  Ashleigh was going to the Palace of Versailles with her friends that were in town, so I toughed it out, got up and met them at the metro.  We had to take the RER out to Versailles, its too far out of the city to connect to the metro.  I'm so fortunate I don't have to take the RER in every day, as I know other au pairs who do.  I can basically go anywhere in 30 minutes or so by metro....ultimate convenience!

Versailles was the royal palace of France, beginning as a small royal hunting lodge.  They still have head of state meetings in the hall of mirrors, and if they are amending the French Constitution, the senate session is held at Versailles. I heard that you should really take a day to do the palace, and a day to do the gardens, so I decided since it was raining today it would be a perfect day to tour the palace.  Doesn't make for very good pictures outside...but the inside ones are great!  The palace is so impressive, and sometimes its so overwhelming how impressive each room is.  I hate to say it, but they all kind of run together.  When I got home I wasn't sure what pictures were taken in what room.  Factor that in with 50 different rooms and it creates a bit of confusion!  

The gardens from a window inside the palace.

I found the ceilings to be most impressive.

Hall of mirrors.  

The queens bed.  

All of us out front in our rainboots and coats!  

Hopefully will be able to go again when the gardens are beautiful and its a pretty day!!

We caught the RER back into Paris and had lunch at a small restaurant near St-Michel.  French onion soup anyone? It was delish!!

Also, some pretty good mousse au chocolat...although they didn't wear themselves out over presentation! 

Tonight, we're celebrating Kerry's birthday at a jazz bar.  She has a friend in town so tomorrow we are going to try ice skating at the Eiffel Tower once again.....I'm running out of time so I hope it works out!! :)

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