Hello all you beautiful people who actually do read my blog from time to time. I have been contemplating a new revamp of the blog for this year. A new "school" year no doubt, but in the same city that I have fallen madly, head-over-heels in love with. The good...the bad...the beautiful...and the ugly. I am hoping to make this year more of a "review" of things I've done instead of play-by-plays of my days. Unless of course you enjoy the play-by-plays? I am in the need of some opinions. I know you want to hear of my adventures with Marie-Césare and that will of course be here as always, but I want to make this year adventurous and exciting...and get to know the more intimate side of Paris instead of the touristy, mass advertised side. So that being said....I would love some feedback. I know Toni knows where the comment button is...but for the rest of you, you need to find it!
Let me know the kind of things you want to read about, what you find most interesting, or is it fine just the way it is? Do you enjoy reading more about my days with Marie-Césare? Foods? Places I've been? My grueling language barrier between myself and the French administration? Traveling? I still want it to be about me and what I want...but I want to engage my readers more.
That being said, I am going on a lovely holiday in Provence tomorrow. I have my swimming suit, floppy hat, sundresses, and sunglasses packed for what I hope to be a few days in the sun. I have Marie-Césare's birthday presents in tow (her birthday was Monday) and can't wait to see her smiling face and curly locks. I'm interested to know how she behaves after spending 6 weeks with her grandparents! I will bring her back with me Saturday evening, have Sunday off, work all day every day next week, then school starts on the 5th.
Let the games begin.
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