So I lost my cell phone charger that goes to my French phone. You know how much it was to buy a new one for that dinky-old-beat-up-piece-of-you-know-what? 26 euros! Ridiculous. The charger is worth more than the phone, guarantee it. I know it was my fault in losing it, and cannot even imagine where it could be between my tiny apartment and well, my tiny apartment. I have turned this place upside down. But, I hadddd to have it, people have to get in touch with me somehow. I suppose.
Spent most of the day gawking at beautiful French clothes that apparently only the French can afford (and the their exchange rate or something really good against the euro? They are always buying up the entire store!). Everything is so beautiful and so expensive. I mean, yes I'm in France and I would love to buy a pair of pants at a lovely boutique with a lovely French label. But, I will just order my jeans from Forever 21 and have them internationally shipped. I mean, you can't beat $19.80 for a pair of jeans. No, they don't last years and years and years but honestly, right now, I'm just looking to get through the winter. HA! Taylor and I were on a mission today to find a pair of shoes for me to wear this fall/winter (I wore a hole..yes, a hole in my Merrell's that I had here last winter) and he wanted to find a bag to have with him in the city (other than his backpack which he thinks targets him as a suspected tourist). We found both, and rewarded ourselves with a delicious falafel from L'As du Fallafel in Le Marais. Always a treat.
Guess what friends and family?!! 10 days until Jimmy Buffett in Paris!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhh!!! I am so excited and have been jamming island tunes as I pound the pavement every day. Anddd I just found out that there is a huge "tailgate" before at the Hard Rock Paris. I am a member of the group on facebook (Parrotheads in Paris...duh) and they have arranged for us to have an entire floor of the restaurant. Starts at 1pm so I think I will go, mingle, have a Cheeseburger in Paradise and a margarita, pick up Marie-Césare at 4:30pm and Chloé has agreed to come home at 6pm that night! So I can go back and join in on the party. Sounds like an absolutely AWESOME evening to me. Can't wait to meet other European and Expat Parrotheads!
Jimmy Buffett sounds like it will be a blast!! Have a maragarita for me!!