We completed our second Christmas crafty project of the year. Salt dough ornaments. Last year we didn't have a tree in Paris, just in the south in Provence. But I learned this weekend Padi and Didou were coming at some point to put the sapin up. When I arrived on Monday afternoon and the tree was still on the terrace, I knew that something must have gone wrong. Didou called to say that indeed she had gotten sick and that they would come Wednesday to do it with us. I tried to get as creative as possible, so Monday night we mixed up a quick batch of salt dough and got to molding and creating Christmas ornaments.
Tonight, we got out all the paint and glitter and made them as beautiful as they could possibly get, tied a ribbon around the top and voila! Some were quite janky, and some didn't dry all the way so they fell apart.
But we had a few succeed! Hopefully Didou will enjoy them and now they will have something to put on their tree for years to come.
I went back to the office in Aubervilliers today and turned in my lastttttt document that I needed to make my dossier complete. Now, remember, this is not for my visa, but for the contract renewal between us. So I'm proud to announce after today, my dossier is complete!!! I now have to wait for the signed contract to come in the mail, then take it to the other office and that will be my visa renewal appointment. So-I feel as if I can see a very dim light at the end of the tunnel!!! (Trust me, its better than where I was a week ago...)
Got a card full of glitter in the mail today from the one and only-Ashleigh Hanson. Marie-Césare and I talk often about our upcoming trip to Australia together to visit Ashleigh. But she quickly reminded me that, "Oh Maggie, we must wait until I am 7 years old. My mom won't let me go at 4 years..."
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