Since Halloween is considered an "American" holiday in France, it is not widely celebrated. I remember my mom sending Halloween sprinkles and witch pencils to Marie-Césare and she was so confused as to why anyone would want a sorcerer on a crayon. She frequented the pumpkin farm in the suburbs with her grandparents, but not to carve and stick a candle in...but to have for decoration then cut and eat.
Since my friends last year wanted to celebrate every holiday in every country where we were each from, we decided to plan Halloween with great anticipation. As usual, I didn't plan my costume until a day ahead of time and it ended up being a complete flop....but I wasn't expecting much so it didn't disappoint. I spent the beginning of the evening jumping back and forth between the local McDonald's and Starbucks, two American companies that did a small amount of Halloween celebrating in countries overseas. You could catch the occasional American family out for a night in their costumes or a couple on their way to a party grabbing a quick cup of coffee. Afterwards I met my friends at Flora's and we went to a crazy, sketchy bar that was way too crowded and the drinks were weak. I remember us losing a phone, breaking a mirror, dancing to Thriller, and the downstairs dance area was like being in a heated cardboard box with 200 of your closest friends.
This year, I am greeting cheery (and a few not so cheery) Nemo's, princesses, Spidermen, and scary witches at the door with Abby barking at each ring of the doorbell. Doling out Twix into 14 year olds pillowcases and giving Pixie Stix to kids that don't even make the effort to dress up....just because they show up at your door. (Shouldn't we be regulating this people?!?)
So Happy Halloween from the land of ghouls and goblins and all things orange and black in the US...I will be watching my yearly screening of the classic movie Hocus Pocus, and laughing at Bette Midler's raucous performance and awing at Sarah Jessica Parker's innocent pre-Sex and the City acting.
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