Well, its election day in the United States today. The first Tuesday in November....as it has always been since the mid 1800's. Have you ever wondered why election day is the first Tuesday in November? Such a random day....
Well, I'm here to fill you in on some interesting facts.
In 1845 our congress elected the first Tuesday of November as election day primarily because our society was an agriculturally centered society. By November, the fall harvest is over and the harsh, cold winters have not yet set in. When everyone is traveling by horse and buggy on dirt roads....this is a seemingly appropriate consideration. The majority of rural Americans had to travel a pretty good ways to reach the county seat, so choosing Monday was not feasible because people would have to travel on Sunday which would interfere with church and worship (back when church and worship were the number 1 priority to most Americans). Wednesday was market day so people had to be sure and be back for market which was a significant source of income....therefore Tuesday was chosen. Election day could not fall on November 1st (All Saint's Day) a holiday for all Roman Catholics. In turn, election day must fall on the Tuesday after the first Monday of the month of November. There is even speculation that congress thought since people do their book keeping on the first of the month that economic success or failure might influence the vote! Ohhh...if they only knew now......
I don't like to disclose my political views over facebook or any other source of media, but I am proud that I live in a country where I can exercise my right to vote. My opinions, my values, and my decisions make a difference...and that's what makes us so great-we, as individuals have the opportunity for change and democracy to make that difference.
We are not perfect as a country and may be slipping in some categories as the greatest country in the world, but I'm proud to be a US citizen. As much as I loved living in France and all its socialistic benefits, and as much as I would jump at the chance to live in another country learning different political values and ways of life.....the United States is where I call home.
The US is still number one in these interesting categories:
Cheese Production
Olympic Medals
Marine Protected Areas
Roller Coasters
Research Universities
So...to all my friends who haven't voted, whoever you are voting for-go vote!!!!!!! If you don't vote, I don't want to hear you complaining about one, single, solitary political decision over the next 4 years. Just imagine...we could still be bundling up and hopping in our horse-drawn carriages, traveling an entire day on a bumpy dirt road just to check that little box with a pencil. So hop in your warm, heated car and drive the 10 minutes to the election commission office, flash your id, and click enter on your electronic ballot. Come on people, it could be a lot more difficult.