Thanksgiving was a smashing success. I woke up to my friend Rob who had just flown in for the weekend from Fort Bragg, North Carolina where he is stationed in the army...such a lovely surprise. I was able to enjoy a bit of the Macy's Parade and a cup of coffee before the countdown to everything being ready at once was complete. Family arrived, we ate until our hearts were content, we celebrated a birthday, took a few family photos and jumped face first into a pile of brown, crunchy leaves.
Lucky me, after a quick wardrobe change I went over to my dads and put that 4 hours on repeat (minus the leaves). Full as a tick was an understatement.
Food was passed, drinks were poured, blessings were said, dishes were dirty, kids were giggling, adults were chatting, pies were sliced, memories were made....and another Thanksgiving has come and gone.
Playing in the leaves! |
Too far gone... |
The crew (minus Ryan). |
Little Laine-Loo! |
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