
Since I am new to "blogging," don't expect this to be anything overly impressive. This whole concept seems strange, but I am hoping my family and friends can keep up with what I'm doing while in Paris for a year two years!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Happy Saint-Valentin

It has been a trying week here at maison de mean girls in New York. Our moods have drifted from highs to lows for certain circumstantial reasons and we are trying to find a solution to making Valentine's Day a happy one this year.  

Tenee, Paige and I all have the day off....and since we all really do love Valentines Day for the meaning it shares between loved ones, friends and family..we want to send 2014 off in style.  Maybe a love filled movie marathon day filled with fruity red cocktails and heart shaped cookies to boot.  Maybe a night in the city celebrating single-dom/partial single-dom/waiting for years to be engaged (even though only 1/3 of us are actually not taken...).

My mom always made a big deal about Valentines Day.  We had heart shaped pancakes and decorated breakfast tables in the morning.  There were always small boxes of chocolates in our lunch boxes and flowers sent to school.  As the years go by those packages and flowers seem to dwindle as I age into the crazy adult that I doesn't mean that not a Valentines Day goes by that I don't think about the pink and red tulips that showed up at the end of the school day or the red napkins and heart shaped candies that adorned our table...but that my mom cared and loved us so much that she wanted to make the day seem special.  That, in turn, has carried on into my adult life, as I get just as excited as my friends that have significant others...maybe even more so! 

I remember in France that Saint-Valentin is only celebrated between "lovers"...not between friends or family.  So it was to their surprise that I showed up on the 14th with heart shaped confetti and glitter cupids for everyone.  Red and pink glitter strewn all about the floor, while Marie-Césare and I made Valentines for her family.  

There's no wrong or right way, and single or married...friends, family, or "lovers" it is a beautiful holiday to remind everyone around you that you love them.  That they are appreciated and loved.  It may be a "Hallmark Holiday" but its one that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.  

How are you spending your Valentines Day?  Out for a romantic evening? Or just spending a quiet one at home?  I hope everyone is spending it around people they love.  

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