
Since I am new to "blogging," don't expect this to be anything overly impressive. This whole concept seems strange, but I am hoping my family and friends can keep up with what I'm doing while in Paris for a year two years!

Monday, February 27, 2017


Have you ever noticed that up north it snows sideways?  In the south, snow comes down like a trickle of quiet happiness....hanging on every moment.  But snow in the north is angry, blustery, sideways snow.  As I was driving through the back roads of Marquette, Michigan, I noticed that the snow isn't balanced neatly on top of the tree branches.  It is stacked from the ground to the top of the tree only on one side.  There certainly isn't a lack of fluffy white stuff.  Every tree, every branch, every hanging limb of pine has snow on it.  It's beautiful.  It's hush.  It's like a painting.
It was dawn and we were racing the clock to make it to the runway before another blizzard hit the Upper Peninsula.  The sun was covered by snowy clouds, but the glow gave a grey light that lighted up the sky.  We passed a ski slope and as the parking lot was full, I looked up the hill to see several dozen skiers hitting the slopes before work.  The ski lifts were chugging along as fast as they could.   It is a different world here.

Small town America.  I grew up in small town America.  I went to college in small town America.  I don't think that it is until you move away from small town America that you appreciate everything it has to offer.  Marquette being one of these towns.  Everyone is friendly, everyone lends a helping hand, and everyone chips in for the greater being of their community.  If only everyone was required to live in small town America for part of their lives.....I can't help but think the world would be a better place. A much quieter, kinder place.  Imagine.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Try And Slip One Past Me...

So apparently there is a new fancy suitcase out to try and trip up our rules and regs on rollaboards on regional jets.  

This suitcase is designed to carry as one suicase through the airport, but when you get on board-voila! One snap of the finger and it disassembles into a smaller suitcase and two other compartments.  What many flight attendants don't explain (and some don't even know the rules themselves) is that it even if you disassemble it the larger part must be no larger than 36 LINEAR inches.  Yes, linear inches.  It doesn't matter if it "fits." Or if it "fit" on the last flight.  Or the gate agent said you could "try and see if it fits."  If you tell us that we are MORE likely to not let you onboard with whatever precious contents you have inside.  We have a very keen eye at the aircraft door and we can pretty much call 36 inches.  (Not to mention you can only have one carry-on item and one personal item.  Hello, above? There are three.)

This is not because we are mean and we want you to have to check your suitcase.  This rule is created by the FAA (not our company) and on regional jets of our size it is an FAA regulation to check anything larger than 36 linear inches.  I do not care if you have important documents or a $2,000 camera.  I do not care if you have rare 25 pound rocks from Japan (true story) or your sister's wig for her wedding (another true story).  If the FAA were to walk on board and find a suitcase that large-no matter its contents-then MY Flight Attendant license is on the line.  YOU will win the battle, have gotten what you wanted on board, and I would be out of a job....that's not very nice-is it?  

So next time you board a smaller regional jet at your local airport, look your flight attendant in the eye...and valet check your suitcase with a smile.  

Pretty Much Sums It Up...

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Spring...Where Areeee You?!

I know I have shared this thought with many people already...but I believe that I could never see snow again in my life and be completely okay with it.  I know it has been bad in the south this year...but it has been NOTHING compared to the windy, freezing, snowy wet torture we've had in New York this year.  I have hated every single moment of going outside since the beginning of December.  Maybe it is because I am a southern implant living in the boroughs of the Big Apple, but I have encountered many a New York native who can't wait for summer.  I am sure when summer rolls around we will be complaining about the heat....can't it just be spring and fall all year round??? 

I am over stepping out of the bus into 4 feet of exhaust filled snow dragging my suitcase behind me...because what else would I do?  I am tired of wearing 15 layers of clothing every time I leave the house.  I am tired of buying new shoes for work because they are corroded because of the salt that's on the ground.  I hate the black slush that is a result of New York drivers.  I hate the ice that sits on the tree branches and falls on me when I walk to the bus stop.  I hate getting stuck out of base on my days off as a result of the snow and ice....because I don't get those days off back!! I am tired of puddle jumping at the corners of sidewalks because the workers who clear the snow think its a grand idea to push it into a pile at the crosswalk where it will be stuck forever.  

Normally it wouldn't bother me but after the 3,861st snow this winter I am officially ready for spring.  Yesterday the temperature reached 52 degrees and it felt like summer.  I even discussed wearing shorts with a friend of mine.  It made me want to break out the sunscreen and summer sandals! That is pitiful!!! 

I am praying really hard for many days like yesterday in the coming months!!! It makes the whole city happy and in a better mood.  People were coming out of the woodwork and hanging out in parks again and shopping and allowing people to pass them while waiting in line for hot dogs on the corner.  It was glorious!!! 

Holly was in for a visit...she is on spring break from school in Dallas and I told her if she brought this weather she could come all the time!  So lovely to spend the day with her in the fabulous sunshine enjoying the city.  We had lunch at the Bryant Park Grill, then ventured up to Dylan's Candy Bar (which
 was her whole purpose for her visit I think...she's a candy lover) and ended the day in Central Park.  So fun!  

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Other Maggie

It's moving week here at Maison de Mean Girls and we are all SO super sad and depressed.  This year has been nothing but rainbows, butterflies and sunshine and now we are moving to a ......*cue the music* -crashpad.  Ugh.  

Paige and Brittany were willing to sign a year lease last year on this amazing apartment of ours in Kew Gardens.  Well guess what?  The lease is up.  None of us are sure where this year is going to take us, and so after diligent searching and apartment looking-we cannot commit to a year long leasing agreement so a crashpad is the next best thing.  

Crashpads are an interesting breed.  For those of you who don't know, crashpads are temporary housing/beds for flight crew members only.  Because we spend 65% of our week in hotel rooms, a true commuter only spends 12 nights or less at their crashpad.  They are offered at a reduced price, and include a shared room with a bed (often a bunk bed), a bathroom, access to the kitchen, living space, and all wifi and utilities included for anywhere from $200-$300 a month.  They will gain reputations as being "quiet" or "old" or "the partiers" or even this week we found "organic."  The crashpad is there if you have an early sign in, get stuck in base, or maybe have one day off and are not able to make it home....but it is very clear the crashpad is NOT your home.  It's like a rotating dorm for flight crews.  You pay monthly and keep your bed, with your sheets and a few of your things.  There are such things as "hot beds" which are crash pads that charge nightly and you pay $25 or $30 for just a bed-no sheets no anything.  Basically like a hotel, but without the sweet comforts.  

The owner of the crashpad we looked at yesterday told us that there were three people living there that she hasn't even seen since September.  But at $260 a month, if you get stuck in New York two accidental nights a month-you will pay more than that for a hotel.  It's figured we should have the room to ourselves most nights, which is an added bonus.  

It's not at all what we want to do....there will be no pictures on the wall or dishes left in the sink accidentally.  But, we have to do what's in all of our best interests.  If someone decides to leave, we don't have to find someone to fill the empty spot.  Which has been a huge burden on us all this year.  Even though my name wasn't on the lease...I wasn't going to leave Paige high and dry with rent money to cover-that's just not me!  So let's see how it goes....let's see how the airline industry throws us around this year....and just give it a chance.  Roll with the punches...

Oh, my life....

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Happy Saint-Valentin

It has been a trying week here at maison de mean girls in New York. Our moods have drifted from highs to lows for certain circumstantial reasons and we are trying to find a solution to making Valentine's Day a happy one this year.  

Tenee, Paige and I all have the day off....and since we all really do love Valentines Day for the meaning it shares between loved ones, friends and family..we want to send 2014 off in style.  Maybe a love filled movie marathon day filled with fruity red cocktails and heart shaped cookies to boot.  Maybe a night in the city celebrating single-dom/partial single-dom/waiting for years to be engaged (even though only 1/3 of us are actually not taken...).

My mom always made a big deal about Valentines Day.  We had heart shaped pancakes and decorated breakfast tables in the morning.  There were always small boxes of chocolates in our lunch boxes and flowers sent to school.  As the years go by those packages and flowers seem to dwindle as I age into the crazy adult that I doesn't mean that not a Valentines Day goes by that I don't think about the pink and red tulips that showed up at the end of the school day or the red napkins and heart shaped candies that adorned our table...but that my mom cared and loved us so much that she wanted to make the day seem special.  That, in turn, has carried on into my adult life, as I get just as excited as my friends that have significant others...maybe even more so! 

I remember in France that Saint-Valentin is only celebrated between "lovers"...not between friends or family.  So it was to their surprise that I showed up on the 14th with heart shaped confetti and glitter cupids for everyone.  Red and pink glitter strewn all about the floor, while Marie-Césare and I made Valentines for her family.  

There's no wrong or right way, and single or married...friends, family, or "lovers" it is a beautiful holiday to remind everyone around you that you love them.  That they are appreciated and loved.  It may be a "Hallmark Holiday" but its one that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.  

How are you spending your Valentines Day?  Out for a romantic evening? Or just spending a quiet one at home?  I hope everyone is spending it around people they love.  

Monday, February 3, 2014


They cancelled the flight at 4:30pm, after making all the passengers sit around all day and wait and think they were getting to New York.  We have to stay another night in Toronto and hope to get out tomorrow at some point on company time.  

Oh yea...did I mention tomorrow is my day off? 

Yes, just so glamorous dah-ling.