
Since I am new to "blogging," don't expect this to be anything overly impressive. This whole concept seems strange, but I am hoping my family and friends can keep up with what I'm doing while in Paris for a year two years!

Friday, January 24, 2014

No more underwear.

I arrived back into Chicago today from Little Rock to check my schedule and to be surprised (or not so surprised) that crew scheduling had added a San Antonio turn and a Northwest Arkansas overnight to my schedule.  It is currently day 5 of 6 for I am wearing thin.  Sometimes...even the per diem isn't worth it.  So that will be 4 legs for me today, start at 7am, finish at 7:15pm.  You think I live the glamorous life?  ha...

Think Again.  

I am tired, my nail polish is beginning to chip, and I am running out of knee highs.....that means it is time to go home!  

As I was walking through the aisle today with the beverage cart I had a man stop me to ask for a drink.  I asked him what he would like and he proceeded with, "I'll have a water, a coffee, a Sprite and a Cranapple."  I am certain I looked at him with my "you have got to be out of your mind" eyes.  I honestly didn't know what to say.  (Don't get me wrong...there were things I wanted to say.  I just would have probably lost my job.) I eventually mustered up, "I have 55 other passengers to serve sir, you can pick two now, and if I have any of your choices when I get finished I will bring them to you." I felt like I was speaking to a child...." can't have all the candies today, but pick two and we will get the other two when we come back to the store." What was he trying to do? Drink the price of his airline ticket onboard?  Sorry sir...but you have a long way to go.  

Now- if you'll excuse me...I have to go tell the husband who is massaging his wife's feet in row 10 that they must turn around and fasten their seatbelt for landing.  

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