
Since I am new to "blogging," don't expect this to be anything overly impressive. This whole concept seems strange, but I am hoping my family and friends can keep up with what I'm doing while in Paris for a year two years!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Oxford! Oxford! Oxford!!

I've got to tell you, I'm really excited about going to Oxford, MS tomorrow with my mom!  (My 3rd home!) We are going to help Laine move in to her new apartment ( an apartment at 18? I have my doubts...).  She will be in rush practice all week singing door songs and learning how high she needs to jump during Pi Phi's skit, but we are going down to get things situated for her anyway...although I believe if my parents think she can have her own apartment at her age then I suppose she could situate herself?  I suppose a little push couldn't hurt.  Besides, I have OCD when it comes to organizing so at least her apartment will have the potential to be organized!  

I haven't been to Oxford since fall of 2009 and I am so super excited about going.  Everyone tells me it has changed so much in the past few years I can't wait to go see what is different-although I'm sure it will just make me angry and sad to see that they have let so many people into the University and that the town is too small for such rapid growth.  Oxford is just a little, southern town and it doesn't need to be junked up with so many chain restaurants and Home Depots.  But-I suppose it has changed a million times over since my parents were there so I guess its just a natural progression.  

Going to eat and visit all my favorite haunts-Newk's, Snackbar, BBB, Panini, City Grocery, Bouré, Two Stick, and any others I can fit in! Not to mention spending some time on the square and maybe at the Library (no, not the one with the books...).  Taking my camera so I'll keep y'all posted.  

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