
Since I am new to "blogging," don't expect this to be anything overly impressive. This whole concept seems strange, but I am hoping my family and friends can keep up with what I'm doing while in Paris for a year two years!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Costume Parties....Bleh....

I have some very exciting news that I wanted to share with everyone!!! My mom and Pat are OFFICIALLY coming to visit!! They booked their flights Wednesday and since that's no cheap fare, it's a done deal!  We're working on finding them a rockin' apartment for the week in a fabulous location.  Which is easy since I live here! 

Marie-Césare went to school yesterday so after my morning classes I had the day to do as I please.  I had coffee with Charlotte, then met up with Angelika for some wandering and lunch.  Stopped into Paul near St-Michel for a good sandwich, wandered down to the Notre Dame and continued through Le Marais.  I spoke too soon on the beautiful weather, because of course we chose a day that was rainy and cold.    

Hope everyone had a Happy Saint Patty's Day!! I did go out for a quick green beer at an Irish pub just near the Moulin Rouge.  The company was hilarious with hundreds of French people trying to speak with an Irish accent all night in their green hats and green pants.  Although Saint Patrick's Day isn't widely celebrated here, a few still keep the tradition going in France.  The Moulin Rouge for one night....was the Moulin Vert.  Quite strange actually...and my picture doesn't do its green glow justice.  

Came home to find my apartment quite cold so I cranked up the heat.  I haven't had it on the past few days because it's been so warm!  I sat down to my newly purchased "hobby case."  Which is essentially a glorified fishing tackle box.  At home, I probably paid $2.00 for a tackle box and here....7 euros = $10.  Bummer.  For those of you who know me know that I am obsessively compulsively organized... I was tired of having a tangly knot of earrings every time I went to find a pair.  I have a jewelry tackle box at home, but upon packing my suitcase to come to just didn't make the cut.  Voila!  

Tomorrow we are going to the Musée de la Vie Romantique as well as the European photography museum.  And whatever else is on Kerry's must-do list!  She only has 3 weekends left in Paris so we're just lucky to be able to see her for those weekends until she moves to Cannes!  I also have to stop somewhere and find some sort of a costume.  One of my friends is having a déguisement party for her birthday tomorrow night and I HATE costume parties.  I never was good at coming up with costumes or ideas so I've enlisted two of my best friends who are excellent at costumes...Katie Lyn and Hannah.  Katie Lyn has always had the best Halloween costumes since we were 2 years old and Hannah was so creative in college for every single swap!  Hopefully these two fine ladies will come up with something amazing on the fly!  

Bon week-end á vous!  

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