
Since I am new to "blogging," don't expect this to be anything overly impressive. This whole concept seems strange, but I am hoping my family and friends can keep up with what I'm doing while in Paris for a year two years!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Yesterday started off very interesting.  I met some fellow au pairs at Champ de Mars, in front of the Eiffel Tower for a picnic.  We had quite a spread... tomatoes, baguettes, cheese, strawberries, know, the essentials.  

I took out my Iphone and took a couple of pictures, and laid back down on the grass to continue reading the paper I grabbed from the metro to see what was going on in the world today.  I set my phone down beside me, not really thinking anything about it.  A few minutes later these gypsy children came over to our area, holding up these plain pieces of paper covered in a plastic sheet protector begging for food and other things.  We told them to go away and like I normally do I didn't look at them hoping they would go away.   A few minutes later a nice young English guy came over and asked if we had all of our stuff because the gypsies tried to take his phone, and thought he saw them run away with something of ours.  All of us immediately panicked, and of course what was missing but my Iphone.....  We looked around and we could still see the gypsy children in the distance and we both darted off after them.  I haven't run that fast in a long time.  The guy started yelling at them once we were close enough, and the kid just dropped my phone on the grass and walked off.  I could not thank that guy enough, and I returned to my friends who still weren't sure what was going on.  Turns out, the gypsies distract you with the paper and their incessant neediness, put the paper over whatever it is they want, then slide their other hand under the paper and snatch it.  

I'll have to say, I give them credit for their craft and sneakiness.  The act is in no way, shape, or form okay...but they sure have it down to a "T."  I have been approached by the silent gypsies wanting you to sign their petition, the men trying to tie your fingers together just below Montmartre, and even witnessed a man jumping off the metro just as the doors were closing who had just stolen a womans cell phone while she was texting.  But, never this!!  30 minutes later we saw the whole gypsy family again coming to do another "sweep" of the picnic area.  We watched as they circled groups of picnic-ers looking for unaccompanied cell phones, cameras, and wallets to bend down and snatch.  We stopped a couple of thefts from happening and were on the lookout the rest of the afternoon.  They got one couple by distracting them by stealing their coke and the couple was too distracted by that and left their belongings.  

The next time they came around, it was like they didn't remember me and they tried it again....are you serious?! (Of course all of my things were in my purse and I was clutching my purse for dear life...ha!) I said a few choice words I probably shouldn't have, the little boy hit Cathie in the head with his paper, and I wanted to chase them down, tie their hands together and drag them to the police.  
We also were bombarded by a group of teenage boys who I guess were dared to come and pile on our picnic.  They were harmless, and dared to come speak to us by their friends but at that point we were so on guard of our personal belongings we just found it annoying.  Needless to say, if we are ever going to picnic for long periods of time again, we will not be going to the Champ de Mars.  Another blog that I follow mentioned that someone stole the cash right out of her backpack as she was walking up the metro stairs.  How slick is that?!  They left everything else, but were somehow able to open her backpack, get the wallet, steal the cash, and close the backpack before she even felt anyone was back there.  Since its now summer and tourist season, the pickpockets are out in full swing.  I'm thankful it was just my phone and now I know to be more aware than I have been lately.  A little wake up call if you will.  

Last night after work Ashleigh, her mom and I went to see Minuit á Paris.  It was pretty amazing to know exactly where every scene took place, and the fact that I can recognize that makes me smile!  The movie wasn't exactly as I expected, but it was still really good!  I like to think that Paris in the 20's would also be my era of choice to return to.  

I woke up this morning with a pinched nerve or a pulled muscle in my neck/shoulder.  I was suppose to hang out with Ash and her mother but will have to put that on hold until this heals up a little better.  I hate spending Saturday at home, but I don't want to make things worse...besides, I don't think I can go down my stairs without it hurting!  


  1. LOL...Maggie i also wanted to take them to the police. I still cant get over how good they were at stealing. When that boy hit me it really hurt...i wonder what would have happened if i had chased him? to be honest,he was so full of it,im sure he would have happily got into a fight with me!

  2. A few years ago when I was in Paris, my friend had her wallet stolen out of her closed purse (the small sling style) on the Metro. Luckily someone found the abandoned wallet with her ID and mailed it back to her. Unfortunately, no money was left.
