
Since I am new to "blogging," don't expect this to be anything overly impressive. This whole concept seems strange, but I am hoping my family and friends can keep up with what I'm doing while in Paris for a year two years!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Blue hair and yellow hat?

I had a very unproductive, yet somehow productive day today.  I don't know if that can really exist, but sure felt like it.  I had all these big plans to get up at 7 am, be out the door by 7:30 and in line at the prefecture de police by 8 am.  Well, I didn't go to sleep until around 3 am (Probably because the only thing I did yesterday was watch movies, caught up on tv shows, and eat seriously the last little bits of things in my pantry...didn't want to even walk down my stairs to the Monoprix.  Which was GLORIOUS by the way.)  so the whole 7 am thing didn't quite work out.  I rolled out around 10 am, leisurely got dressed and ready and sauntered to the prefecture in my jeans and cardigan.  Brr!  I had called before I left just to be absolutely sure I couldn't make the appointment to renew my visa over the phone.  The lady reassured me that no, I had to make the appointment in person.  Okay, done.  I found the Mairie of the 9th arrondissement (which is where I technically live under the Lachaize address) quickly and went directly to the accueil desk.  She directed me to another part of the building where I walked in to find 20 or so people waiting with paperwork in hand.  I saw stacks of paperwork against the wall, and noticed only one man working the desk.  Oh pllleeassseee people.  Seriously?  No wonder people dread coming here, with each appointment taking about 10 minutes...well, you do the math!  

I took my place in line behind a short little lady with a bird feather in her bright yellow hat.  Her hair was quite blue which may have not seemed so blue if her hat wasn't so sun-strikingly yellow.  She had on what I believed was lipstick.  It sort of reached up to her nose and down to her chin and was bright crayon red in color, and I really just wanted to offer her a mirror.  But, I kept my mouth shut and so did everyone around me.   About 45 minutes later there was a break in one of the appointments and the man had to run outside to make a quick photocopy.  I leaned my head around the cubicle and asked if I had to wait in line to make an appointment or if I should make one with him right quick.  He flew off his handle at me and said I must call this number and talk to so-and-so.  At that point I was already fed up with French administration.  I told him that the lady on the phone and the lady at the desk told me to come here to make an appointment but he just wouldn't have it.  So, I called the number he gave me and talked to another lady but we could not understand each other.  My French legal terms are not at the top of my learning list so it was difficult.  I called Chloé almost in tears asking if she could just make the stupid appointment for me.  She agreed to call in the morning.  I know you'll be waiting at the edge of your seat for a verdict.  

I then went to BHV to find a copy of The Angry Ladybug by Eric Carle to replace the one Marie-Césare lost at the library.  Here, when you lose a book you must replace the book instead of just paying for it.  I was suppose to take care of it before we left for Belgium but I ran out of time so now I've got to get on it!  Naturally, they didn't have a copy of that book, but I was able to find some thank-you cards and a few other items on my list.  (Those would be my unproductive items.)  Next stop:  France Langue to empty out my bank account and get proof of enrollment to send in with my visa.  That took another 30 minutes because the girl at the desk didn't know how to do a thing.  She was very apologetic..I'm just glad I wasn't on any kind of schedule or anything.  I got the papers I need for my visa, but just wasn't able to pick my classes for next semester-bummer.  Just means I'll have to go back.....

Then I went to the grocery store to fill up my fruit bowl, my egg container, and my pantry with good stuff.  After practically hanging over the toilet for the past 3 weeks eating delicious, fatty, oily, processed American foods, my body will be thanking me for coming back to France.  Don't get me wrong I love Pop-Tarts, Cheetos, Wendy's, and Bluebell Ice Cream just as much as the next person but I am obviously not use to eating those things anymore!  

On the agenda for tomorrow?  Not sure.  Possibly a trip to Tuileries, some laundry, and more research on where I can go this weekend for a decent price.  Its super last minute, but I have off until the 21st or something and can't take the thought of spending all that time in Paris with nowhere to go.  Can you believe it?  ;)  Poor me.  

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