
Since I am new to "blogging," don't expect this to be anything overly impressive. This whole concept seems strange, but I am hoping my family and friends can keep up with what I'm doing while in Paris for a year two years!

Monday, March 12, 2012


I had my 7th and hopefully last rendez-vous with the visa department this morning in Paris.  I was nervous with anticipation of when I was going to have to leave my beautiful city but really needed to know so I could tie up some loose ends that depended on it!  Worst case scenario it would be valid until the end of June.  Best case?  Valid until the end of July or August to give me a little flexibility.  

I arrived a bit early and waited in line to get my number.  The initial line wasn't very long, so I had high hopes that I wouldn't have to wait very much.  She directed me into a different room, where there were over 20 people already waiting to be called.

By the time my number was called, this room had filled completely.
All of the desks were completely empty except for one.  30 people waiting by this time and one staff member to accommodate them all.  Now that's French Administration at its finest.

I had brought a book, a play, le bourgeois gentilhomme, which Didou lent me a few weeks ago.  An hour passed and every time I heard the ding I looked up in hopes of seeing T12 across the screen.  Finally, an hour and 45 minutes later...."T12" ding!  I walked over to the open guichet and presented my passport and 49 euros of tax stamps I had to purchase before the rdv.  

She was congenial, not overly nice, but certainly nicer than some administration workers I've come across.  She placed my stamps on my dossier, had me sign here, here, here and here, and handed me the titre de séjour.  

I sort of stared at it in disbelief that after months of early morning appointments, endless lines and waiting, countless documents, paperwork and signatures, and 200 euros worth of the wrong tax stamps it was finally....mine.  

I looked at the "valable jusqu'au" date and really couldn't believe what it said.  Valid until September 30, 2012.  WOW! That's tons of flexibility.  I even had to ask her if that was correct, because I was so stunned the French government would extend it that long.  

I walked out of the office to a blue sky and sunshine beaming down on my face.  I bounced down the sidewalk with a huge smile on my face and Katrina and the Waves' "Walking on Sunshine" playing loudly on my iPod.  I felt as if I had conquered the world.  I told myself I wasn't going to celebrate until I had it in my hands.  Well, that day is today so celebrate I shall!!  

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