
Since I am new to "blogging," don't expect this to be anything overly impressive. This whole concept seems strange, but I am hoping my family and friends can keep up with what I'm doing while in Paris for a year two years!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ashleigh, this one's for you

As I was browsing the aisles of Monoprix on a Saturday morning winding throughout the rows of cheese, yogurt, and fruit, I decided to pop down the cookie aisle and just have a look and see if anything had changed.  Normally I don't frequent the cookie section as I haven't found any one particular cookie that I just love here in France.  (From a supermarket that is...) I'd much rather have a Bonne Maman chocolate mousse...wouldn't you?  And so in my leisurely Saturday morning a perused through the Cigarette Russes, Cadbury Chocolate Chip Cookies, Speculoos, and the sad European excuse for Oreos.  When what do my eyes fall upon next?  Tim Tam's!  Addie brought them to Ashleigh when she came to visit last February and that was the first time I had ever seen/heard of them.  Purely made in Australia and distributed all over the world (only for a limited time in the US a few years ago) they are now gracing our presence in France.  Much to my excitement because they are pretty delicious cookies.  From my lesson last winter the proper way to eat them is biting off the ends and sucking coffee or tea through them like a straw until they absolutely melt in your hand... but they are pretty good on their own as well.  

Last night I stayed a little later at Chloé and Franck's because they were having a couple of guests over who were from the US, well, they were from California but I guessssss I can make an exception and say they were from the States.  They were an older couple, both retired, and friends of friends that Chloé and Franck know.  I am pretty sure they invited me along to be the buffer for their English.  I kindly accepted the invitation for champagne and quiche and can imagine that by the end of a busy week the last thing you want to do on a Friday night is spend the evening speaking English.  Especially for Franck.  They weren't the most exciting couple, in fact, they were actually pretty boring, and it was like pulling teeth the whole evening.  Chloé and I kept looking at each other like...when are these people going to leave?  haha...although it was nice of Chloé and Franck to invite them over even though I'm absolutely sure they didn't want to.  I got up to leave around 10, and so did the couple from California and I wish I could have captured the relieved look on Franck's face in a photo.  Hilarious.  

I met Rozy, Laura, and Susanna afterwards for a quick jaunt at the Tour Eiffel.  We sat in a very quiet grassy spot over to the side of the Tour Eiffel that I had never even seen before.  Even though this doesn't look like a new view of is a completely different side.  Wherever we were sitting was a mosquito trap because I woke up this morning with at least 10 bites on my legs.  Yuck.  

Tonight is Nuit Blanche and I'm looking very forward to it.  I love being able to experience things here in Paris that are once a year and that most people don't have the opportunity to do.  It makes living here extra special.  

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