
Since I am new to "blogging," don't expect this to be anything overly impressive. This whole concept seems strange, but I am hoping my family and friends can keep up with what I'm doing while in Paris for a year two years!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sweet sweet grandmothers are so rare.

Just wanted to share some sweet things Didou has done for me lately.  

She bought a precious Christmas fairy book for Marie-Césare to enjoy this holiday season, Le Noël des Fées.  Not only is the book interesting, but Didou pulled out her artistic hand and colored on the first page.  She drew 4 sweet fairies: me, Marie-Césare, Chloé, and herself.  Le livre des filles, Marie-Césare calls it so proudly. 

At the top left hand corner is me, the pearl fairy.  Top right hand corner Marie-Césare the vanilla-strawberry fairy, bottom left Didou the fairy of surprises, and the bottom right Chloé...the fée chic-chic.  (So very true.)

Here's me.  La fée perle.  La plus souriante. The one who smiles the most.  Elle est efficace et toute la famille l'a adoptée.  She has a lasting effect and the entire family has adopted her.  Now tell me why I wouldn't love Didou like I love my own grandmothers?  How sweet.  

She also made this for my apartment with Marie-Césare.  Granted MC didn't sew very much but said she picked out all the right sequins.  Its just a fabric bird house and on the bottom it says, Maggie, Je t'aime.  Marie-Césare. Okay, for sure will be putting this up with my other Christmas decorations when I'm 30 50.  No doubt about it.   

Love random acts of sweet kindness and thoughtfulness.  It reminds me I need to pay forward the kind words.  

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