
Since I am new to "blogging," don't expect this to be anything overly impressive. This whole concept seems strange, but I am hoping my family and friends can keep up with what I'm doing while in Paris for a year two years!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Couldn't sleep last night for the fear of missing my alarm this morning.  You all know that I would rather drop off the face of the earth than be late for anything!  I didn't know how long it would take me to get to their apartment by 8 in the morning, so I set my alarm for 6:30 just in case!  After Laine called to tell me she got into Ole Miss (woo hoo!! Hotty Toddy!) I got up to begin the day.  When I arrived at their apartment Marie-Cesare was in a foul mood.  So, I turned on a DVD, Cinderella English!  Everything was fine until 'maman et papa' walked out the door.  She FREAKED out.  It is much easier when I pick her up from school and she doesn't see her mother.  

Alas, we finished the movie, got dressed and went to creative painting class.  It is just around the corner and is this huge open building with lots of windows and colors everywhere.  Her class is upstairs and today she made 'un crocodile' from cardboard with help from her teacher.  While I was sitting waiting, I couldn't help but notice some super funny art on the walls.  

The hippopotamus absolutely made me laugh out loud.  

After class her "Didou"(grandmother) met us and took us to lunch.  I had une omelette avec fromage et salade verte.  It really helps me to be around Marie-Cesare with her family so that I can know how to react to different situations.  Although grandparents are usually different and tend to spoil, her Didou was very helpful.  She is so sweet and tries to speak English with me, our conversations are hilarious.  It usually ends up in me nodding my head yes even if I don't understand and then she will just quit talking if she can't say it to me in English.  Went back to their apartment to pack her things for the next few days and to wait around for the window man to come fix the windows.  

It was decided a couple of days ago that since I will be here for the Christmas season, that Marie-Cesare and I will go down to Provence with her "Padi et Didou" the week before.  Chloe, Franck and Gaspard will join us Christmas Eve for a few days.  Awesome news to me!  

Tonight was the museum opening and although it wasn't anything I would have gone to if I didn't have a VIP ticket, it was still interesting.  It was full of toys and wall art from a century ago.  Many people walking around wearing black, drinking champagne, and eating beaucoup d'hors d'oeuvres.  I walked around, gawking at the beautiful clothes (and shoes!) and trying to figure out what everyone was saying as I passed by.  Probably would have had a better time if Chloe were there to explain some things, but...I'm glad I went!  I didn't haul my camera so I didn't get any good photos of the Louvre or anything over that way, but I will soon-promise!  

Dinner tonight? Stopped by la boulangerie around the corner on my way home and bought a piece of quiche au jambon (ham).  

And to congratulate Laine on her admittance to the best school in the south-une tarte aux fraises (strawberries)! 

haha, okay, so maybe it wasn't all for Laine but it was ridiculously good.  


  1. I am really enjoying your diary, Maggie. You give enough details that it's almost like being there. Almost. It's hard to imagine what it would be like to be in your shoes, so with your descriptions it's easier to kind of see through your eyes. And photos of what you are eating, ooh-la-la. You are using all your senses as you go through your first days in Paris. Love the art photos (your phone takes pretty good photos). When will we get to see photos of the children? Or is that not allowed? I don't know the rules. But little Marie-Cesare sounds so cute, since I am very partial to little girls. How do you pronounce 'Cesare'? Keep on writing girl, 'cause it's really entertaining.

  2. I loved Provence... jealous!

  3. I alos LOVED Provence....if I come visit we will have to go so I can be there again!! You are doing such a great job on your blog-it's so exciting!

  4. Thanks guys! I'm sure I will take some pictures of the kids next week. I guess you would pronounce 'Cesare'...'Say-zar' ? Gaspard will be there next week so it will be an excellent opportunity for me to snap some shots!
    I am excited about Provence too. Glad you all are enjoying my adventures! I like writing them so I can share all the craziness with my friends and family!
    Erica-if you come visit...we can go anywhere you like! And thanks for the previous post. It seriously means a lot to have support from back home and to know that I'm not absolutely crazy!!
