
Since I am new to "blogging," don't expect this to be anything overly impressive. This whole concept seems strange, but I am hoping my family and friends can keep up with what I'm doing while in Paris for a year two years!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Woke up today missing my friends and family very much!! I think its because Thanksgiving is around the corner and its just another day here! It's so weird.  Tried to go get a bank account today...again.  Epic fail.  The banks that do speak English I have to have Chloe or Franck accompany me and assure the bank that I really who I am (even though I have my passport) and that I will not steal all their money.  The only reason I want a bank account in the first place is so I can get a French cell phone without having to pay through the roof for pay as you go charges! dslicvtfo$iej*!!! Hopefully I can talk Chloe into going with me Saturday morning, I will need her help! 

On the other hand, good news is...I still am having lunch Thursday... And, meeting a girl Saturday to go to the Musee D'Orsay!
And...I don't have to be at the Lachaize resident until 8:30 in the morning. (It's the little things, really.)

Franck is probably the nicest man ever.  He is so understanding and much more laid back than Chloe.  He doesn't speak much English at all so most of our conversations are with motions or pointing.  But he asked me tonight if I missed my family because they were far away, and asked if there was anything he could do to help.  So sweet.  

I did take some pictures of my building.  It was getting dark so you can't tell much, and my room is at the very tip top.  

Just above the Pharmacie...and no that is not my room with the cute balcony on what you might think is the 7th floor.  My window faces the inside terrace and you can't see it! :)

Off to bed, long day tomorrow. I only hope I can survive a whole day with Marie-Cesare!  4 hours at night seems to wear my brain out...should be interesting! 

Love you all!