
Since I am new to "blogging," don't expect this to be anything overly impressive. This whole concept seems strange, but I am hoping my family and friends can keep up with what I'm doing while in Paris for a year two years!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday Funday!

Slept super late this morning on accident...not that I had anything important to do, just always feel so lazy when I sleep late....or like I'm back in college with Alex in the sorority house sleeping our lives away! 

Met the girls on the Champs Elysees today!  One couldn't make it, but met Amalie from Denmark, and Omphile from South Africa.  Both really sweet girls...It was Amalie's first week as an au pair, but she has been to Paris several times before.  Omphile has been here 5 or so weeks but its her first time in Paris.  We stopped at this huge Haagen Dazs cafe on the Champs Elysees and had chocolate chaud and espresso.  It's always fun to talk about the differences in countries and cultures.  And our similarities.  And our hate for European change.  I absolutely had when I pay for something with a 10 euro "bill" and they give me back 8 euros or whatever in change.  It's so heavy!! I also learned that the South African cultures l.o.v.e.s. KFC.  I found this to be quite hilarious for some reason and told her of my stepdad's love for the stuff.  

We chatted for a couple of hours and headed back down to the Christmas Market.  I had been there last night...but it was much less crowded today and much colder!! After browsing through the rather strange selection of booths we walked even further down to the Louvre.  At one point I turned around and saw the Eiffel Tower in all its glittering glory!! It was absolutely beautiful...much more beautiful in person of course.  

The Louvre was also astonishingly beautiful.  Every building here is so old and full of so much history...but in such great condition!  I can't wait to go inside!  

After that?  The Notre Dame.  We walked and while it was nearby, it felt like forever!  They were having Sunday night service so we went to see what it was all about.  The church was gorgeous yet eerie in its own way.   

We were all pretty much frozen popsicles at that point so decided to call it a day.  I got home to my freezing cold electricity had gone out at some point in the day.  It's so frustrating and I'm tired of not being able to cook!  I will be so glad when they get it fixed this week!! 

After talking to several different au pair's and their situations over the past few days I have realized that I am pretty lucky to have found the family I did.  While they have pretty much left me to be independent...I think I like that versus having to live with the children all the time and have to "check in" on the weekends.  Marie-Cesare and Gaspard sound like angels compared to some other children and Chloe and Franck very caring and sweet.  Everyone's language difficulties seem to be the same, and I am thankful that I know more than most!  


  1. Your photos are so good. Are they still phone photos or camera photos? I love how you set up the shots. And not everyone has photos of Paris in cold weather; most of us have been there only in warm months, so I think that the lighting and the moods are very different in your shots. You are SO lucky to be doing this; and I'm so glad that you are comparing favorably with the other au pair situations, as that makes it easier for you to keep doing what you are there to do.

    My brother is a KFC-o-phile? I don't think I knew that, although one look at his mid-section would tell one that it isn't salads that he gorges on!

    Happy December.

  2. Some are...some aren't! haha I usually take one with both and choose the best! The more candid photos are always taken with my I don't carry my camera around unless I know I'm doing something touristy.
    It is so pretty to see everything with Christmas decorations and lights. And there is almost a stillness...a quiet moment... about everything in the winter. I keep telling myself that I'm going to have to come back and see everything when it's warm!
