
Since I am new to "blogging," don't expect this to be anything overly impressive. This whole concept seems strange, but I am hoping my family and friends can keep up with what I'm doing while in Paris for a year two years!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Last Day in Provence.

Yesterday no one woke up until 10 in the morning which is late by my standards!  I'm sure Chloe and Franck's too!  We had a quick breakfast with a new confiture.  Some sort of fig special to the region and rosemary.  My favorite by far!  

By the time we all finished taking showers it was time to prepare lunch.  Franck had gone to the boucherie to get a rack of lamb while Didou prepared homemade scalloped potatoes and roasted Provencal tomatoes with fresh herbs of course.  

I was able to take some pictures of the house.  Hate that it wasn't a really pretty day...and from the pictures I've seen it looks totally different in summer!! (in a good way!)

It's tucked away on a small street in Maillane, hidden by trees, vines, and bushes.  In the summer they have a table, chairs, and umbrella outside and of course everything is green and thriving!  

After lunch (which was around 3:30) we went for a walk.  I didn't know exactly that we had a purpose in where we were going but just strolling along.  Turns out we were headed for the Maillane Pony Club.  Marie-Cesare had brought her sack full of bread for the ponies.  It was the cutest place!  It's closed for the holidays, but we were able to feed them through the fence.  In the summer, Marie-Cesare comes to take lessons and ride and Gaspard helps the instructor out with classes.  

Walked back to the house and immediately left for the Avignon train station.  Got there just in time as the train was pulling up, and waved goodbye to Padi and Didou through the window.  Franck and I slept most of the way, and Marie-Cesare and Chloe watched a movie.  It was FREEZING when we got off the train in Paris.  Had to button up my coat and put on my gloves and hat!  There were still snow patches everywhere and some ice, too.  We all piled in the taxi which dropped them off at Rue Fontaine and continued to Rue de Courcelles to take me.  On the way home the taxi driver started talking to me and asking me all kinds of questions...which I could understand this time!! Only it wasn't a good thing...he was trying to ask me to come hang out with his friends at a bar once he found out I was from the US.  I don't know what the fascination is...but that seems to be the norm.  

Spent today reorganizing my apartment a little and was much needed!  Going to watch Eat, Pray, Love tonight (my mom sent it for Christmas) and try to figure out my French online banking.  Doing laundry and getting a few groceries tomorrow.  Nothing exciting...I have to babysit New Years Eve so I am trying to get together a few fun things to take over there.  Want to make a cake with Marie-Cesare and have something fun for Gaspard and I to make together.  Sparkling apple cider is a given with kids, and party hats for everyone!  

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