
Since I am new to "blogging," don't expect this to be anything overly impressive. This whole concept seems strange, but I am hoping my family and friends can keep up with what I'm doing while in Paris for a year two years!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Productive Day in Paris!

Woke up early this morning (and by early I mean 9 am) because I had a lot to do today before we leave tomorrow.  I am usually not a last minute person, but had to get all my ducks in a row before today happened!  

I went this morning and got my phone....finallyyyyy!!!! Yay! It's official, I have a French phone number.  The man helping me was very nice and understanding which is hard to find so it was a pleasant experience.  Then I found a photo lab with a very nice older man who spoke English!  Another win!  I am giving Chloe and Franck and Padi and Didou a picture of none other than Marie-Cesare for Christmas.  It is actually a very good photo, and I had it resized so it's not quite an 8x10, but a great wall hanger.  Couldn't think of anything to get the people who have everything (and on my budget) thought that was a good idea.  Got some wrapping paper (naturally I pick out the prettiest, yet most expensive wrapping paper...thanks Terr for that bad habit), frames for the photos, and some other things.  Took them back to my apartment, wrapped all my presents, packed a little bit and went to pick up Marie-Cesare!  

I saw this little fellow as I was waiting in line at Habitat.  It's a light up pin in the shape of a squirrel.  He was amongst Christmas trees, holly, snowflakes, and other various winter items.  Thought it was strange to have a squirrel in the mix!  

As I was walking home, I was behind this lovely French couple.  He had his hand in her pocket and she had her hand...well, you know.  Very typical here and no one thinks twice.  

Had a good day today with Marie-Cesare.  Pere Noel came to her school today so she was all fired up for Christmas.  This is the first day I've really heard her say anything about it so I'm glad she's excited!  We went to the library, did some arts and crafts for her parents for Christmas, and snuggled in to watch a movie.  When Chloe came home she didn't even get up to say anything or rush to the door like usual...either we're making progress or it was a really good movie?!  She asked me to paint her nails tonight so I painted them a purple/pink color.  I brought these stickers and she thought it was a funny idea to put them on her newly painted nails.  

Leaving for Provence in the morning.  Our TGV train leaves at 11 and we arrive in Avignon at 2:30.  I am nervous about the train ride with Marie-Cesare, but I think it will be fine.  My mom sent a cute Christmas movie that I can pop in if things get out of control!  My suitcase is PACKED (as usual) but this time mostly with presents!  Am anxious about seeing their house in the south of France and exploring the towns nearby.  

Thanks again for all your cards and letters and comments!! I love you all.  I am hoping to be able to post as often as possible over the next week and a half, but probably not every don't be too disappointed! 


  1. I love reading about your adventures in paris, but i reallly love reading about your daily adventures with marie-cesare because it's what I do every day! You definitely give me good ideas for things to do on my 10 hour days of nannying!

  2. You will love southern France. Avignon is beautiful and full of rich history as all those wonderful places are. The food will be magnificent--enjoy!!
    The train ride will take you through some beautiful countryside, hope Marie-Cesare lets you enjoy it...
    Merry Christmas!!!
