
Since I am new to "blogging," don't expect this to be anything overly impressive. This whole concept seems strange, but I am hoping my family and friends can keep up with what I'm doing while in Paris for a year two years!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I woke up to some seriously amazing snow today.  It rarely snows like this in Lawrenceburg (at least not until January or February) and I was so excited!  The picture is from my window, and was taken around 9 this morning.  It continued to snow like this until 11 or so!  I forgot to take my camera out when I went downstairs, so sorry there's not a better pic.  I walked out onto the sidewalk and all the children were scraping up snow off the cars and window sills and having a huge snowball fight.  Everything was so pretty!  Of course it started to melt around 1, and around 3 or 4 it started raining and just made everything a slushy mess.  

Since I haven't gotten my bank card in the mail I still don't have my phone yet.  I chatted with my friend from Australia via Facebook and we were able to hang out this afternoon for a little while.  We just sort of wandered around my neighborhood and ended up in the 9th somehow, grabbed some coffee, and actually found this very neat art store.  I bought a needle and some thread so that I could fix a button on my peacoat that is about to fall off.  I would probably throw that task off on my Granny if I were still home, but had to figure it out myself.  At least its only a button and not something more complicated!  

I pass by the Moulin Rouge every day but never think to take a picture of it, so I did tonight!  Just for you guys!  

The boy scouts or the French equivalent (Federation of French Scouting) were bagging groceries today at the Monoprix.  Granted I only had 2 things to get, but I was in and out very quickly-you would think they would learn.  Dropped a 2 euro coin in their change bucket and headed out.  Skyping with my dad tonight/today...and hopefully my Aunt Janie will be there too!  They put up my Mimi and Grandaddy's  Christmas tree (always a hilarious event) and I'm sure all her other decorations as well!  

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